Saturday, November 26, 2011

Episode 2: NO MORE SNOW

To download right click and select "download link"

After the Long wait we made an extra long episode for you guys, sorry for the wait. This week's episode is more of the randomness our title hints toward instead of a center of gaming. Enjoy!


Saturday, November 19, 2011


We revived 7 inches of snow last night causing internet problems this morning, if the net holds out there will be a podcast tonight.
if you have any last minute ideas that you would like us to cover, please leave them in the comments below

UPDATE: The snow has my partner's internet out so there will not be a podcast tonight, as soon as we are able there will be a podcast though.

UPDATE: The net is still not holding out so yet again the podcast is postponed.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We are semi-world wide.

Took some time to look at our stats today and it seems that we have people viewing world wide! just an interesting fact.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Just to clear some things up

Alright so the snow is being an cold hard b*&^% right now making our usual way of pod casting nearly impossible. So dark and I have decided to change the schedule and in this coming week we will work out the kinks for the upcoming podcasts. Sorry for the delays but they will be fixed very shortly. In the meantime please still pass around the first episode if you can and spread the word. Thank you and have a nice day!


Seems that our internet is still effected enough by the snow that yet another of our podcasts have been delayed, sorry for the inconvenience.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Due to various technical difficulties stemming from a recent snow storm, we will not be posting a podcast tonight. Still remember to spread word around about the podcast, we want to see it around.

If conditions permit, there will be another cast tomorrow.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Episode 1: The Dreaded 11

Download The Podcast-to download right click and choose save target as or save link as.

Games, games, and more games (plus some movies) is what the 11th day of the 11th month on 2011 is all about. In the premiere episode of our podcast we cover the games and movies that come out on this once in a lifetime experience.

Jack and Jill Featuring Adam chick?..

Steam hacked

Steam Logo

For those of you who use steam and have not yet heard the news, Steam has been hacked.
Nov. 6th attackers used information gained in the steam forums to hack into the Steam servers. Investigation has shown that the attackers have not used credit card information, though it is highly suggested that you pay close attention to your bank statements and change your passwords if they are the same as the one you used on steam.This is yet another attack on a supposedly "safe" website, creating further anxiety throughout the web industry.

by: Darkfalling

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Seems that the intro music is coming along quite nicely. hope to have it done by this Friday

Monday, November 7, 2011